The Divine Miss Mims
The Divine Miss Mims
She's a kooky queen that has gone from being Miss Swamp Pussy at the neighborhood bar to being one of the most sought after has-beens in the great state of North Carolina. Once called the hairiest drag queen in captivity, she now prides herself in her deft interviewing skill. Yes, singular. Find her streaming on Twitch or making really bad TickyTockies.
Auntie Maim
Auntie Maim
She’s a sassy Manx that’s traveled over one too many railroad tracks. Currently residing in Miami on an extended sabbatical, Auntie performs for the crowds weekly at the Villain Theater in Little Haiti. As one of Miami’s only Cabaret Queens, she delights in making people laugh with her scattered sense of humor, cry with her somber and heartfelt song performances, and question their own sanity with her luscious chocolate beard. In her spare time, she’s currently writing her autobiography, “Say What Now?” No estimated release date.